Sunday, November 13, 2011

Baggy yoga Pants

Saw some neat pants. I wanted to sculpt all the folds, so I did that part first and eventually lost interest in the upper body. Crotch wrinkles are fun on baggy pants!


SalBa Combé said...

Tan genial como todas la anteriores!

dylanio21 said...

I absolutely love your work, what do you use?
Do you take any videos of yourself sculpting?
Just amazing.
Can't wait for more.

Carolina said...

Feliz Año, Irene!!!

(bonitos pantalones ;) buena caída de tela!^^)

un abrazo!

BambinoMonkey said...

Buenisimos curros!

Kendra Melton said...

Absolutely stunning work!

jake gumbleton said...

Your work is splendid, so much movement and feeling. So inspiring.
PS Rorigo Y Gabriella blow my tiny mind!

Patrick Schoenmaker said...

Wow, I love this one!

Heidi Smith said...

This is super cool!

Manoj Singh said...

Well, you guys are just ridiculously impressive :).

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Piyush said...

I absolutely love your work, what do you use?
Do you take any videos of yourself sculpting?
Just amazing.

Andrea Freccero said...

WOW! incredible!

Manoj Singh said...

Good job, cheers..

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Darren Demers said...

Saw some neat pants. I wanted to sculpt all the folds, so I did that part first and eventually lost interest in the upper body. Crotch wrinkles are fun on baggy pants!
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