You've got some great looking work here Irene! It's always good to see former classmates doing really well. I'm sure you won't remember me from school but thats ok. I wish you continued success. You can check out my work here:
Really love where this headed! Can't wait to see the final piece. Keep up the inspiring work.
This is looking great Irene! Have fun with that cycle.
This is look great irene ! so much attitude. I want to see more please
Opino igual, qué ganitas de ver el resultado final!
un beso, chiquita!
Its embarrassing how long it took me to get around to her! Hope to finish this month sometime.
Gracias Carolina- tambien tengo muchas ganas de ver la figura finalizada jajaja
You've got some great looking work here Irene! It's always good to see former classmates doing really well. I'm sure you won't remember me from school but thats ok. I wish you continued success. You can check out my work here:
Wonderful work as usual, Irene!
Great sculpt! You have so much talent!
Irene, this work is a piece of art! Waiting to see the final work!
that's amazing! There's so much character in the pose; great stuff.
Hello :)
I'm very fascinated by your works!!
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